In a time when the convenience and ease of shopping is highly valued, we strive to show why the experience of buying in-person is still unmatched in enjoyment. We pride our stores on their vivid, inviting displays that perfectly propose ideal settings for your dream space. No matter the color, shape or style you're searching for, our Maison Midi locations are guaranteed to have what you need and then some.
Beginning with its inauguration in 1985, Maison Midi has become a chic destination for all home decor shopping desires, thanks to the myriad of decorative elements we import from around the world. When we buy, we do so to recreate a Mediterranean oasis right here in Los Angeles and, by extension, in any home or business.
To make your shopping experience easier, order online and pick up your items for free at our LA location Monday through Friday at your convenience! It's that easy!
We love seeing how people style our products in their homes and spaces, so feel free to share your displays with us by using the hashtag #MaisonMidiStyle!